The S.T.O.P. mission is to reduce suicidal behaviors through public education, local community advocacy, training, school assemblies, and peer support. We provide education and training in schools and community organizations across Texas.




  • Suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death for ages 10-24. (2017 CDC WISQARS)
  • Suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death for college-age youth and ages 12-18. (2017 CDC WISQARS)
  • More teenagers and young adults die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease, COMBINED.
  • EACH DAY in our nation, there are an average of over 3,069 ATTEMPTS by young people grades 9-12.  If these percentages are additionally applied to grades 7 & 8, the numbers would be higher. (Statistics are before COVID-19.)
  • Four out of Five teens who attempt suicide have given clear WARNING SIGNS
The Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance System (YRBS) is a survey, conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, that includes national, state, and local school-based representative samples of 9th through 12th grade students. The purpose is to monitor priority health risk behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death, disability, and social problems among youth in the United States.
The surveys are conducted every two years to determine the prevalence of these health risk behaviors. Behaviors that contribute to unhealthy lifestyles and those that indicate possible depression and/or suicidal ideation are included. Click here for the full report

Our Story

How We Got Started

BL & Brenda George, the founders of S.T.O.P (Stop.Talk.Overcome.Pain), started a campaign that collaborated with more than 35 local agencies in Brazoria County to host youth rallies and school events that focus on suicide prevention, anti-bullying, cyber-bullying awareness and intervention.

Where We Are Now

S.T.O.P. is now in partnership with a host of school districts across Texas and the collaborations continue to grow exponentially. We have affected thousands of children who were coping with depression and who were at high risk of suicidal behaviors.

How We Are Proceeding With COVID-19

With the onset of COVID-19, teen suicide has become an even more serious epidemic with increased suicide rates across the globe. S.T.O.P. has had to be creative on how to effectively reach our at risk youth. We have produced several videos called S.T.O.P. MOMENTS to be distributed to our partner schools that can be incorporated into on campus or online communications. We intend to continue to produce them until the pandemic is under control and our students and educators are back to the normal environment of on campus education.

Our Goals

S.T.O.P. intends to grow this campaign across the United States of America and beyond its borders. Children are highly susceptible to emotional pain and mental illness that can be caused by many external factors that are rampant in today’s society and many internal factors that are easily combated. The impact on our communities has been mostly ignored and our children are crying out to be heard. They need to STOP•TALK•OVERCOME•PAIN.



The COVID-19 pandemic has been a tremendous challenge for so many people. Children, in particular, are susceptible to adverse mental stress during times of isolation. They were first unable to visit friends, unable to have close contact with elderly family members, and given instructions to distance themselves from the public. This, of course, is not a normal condition for energetic kids, and the lack of physical, social connection could cause much anxiety.

Now that many schools are opening, the children are back in close contact with their friends and teachers again, but the virus is still in our communities. This too can cause fear and stress, and lead to dangerous mental conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and hopelessness resulting in thoughts of suicide. Parents and friends of those seemingly most affected should not take their fears lightly, as the statistics of suicide in our communities have risen substantially since the onset of the pandemic.

S.T.O.P. MOMENTS have been created to generate a positive mindset in children affected by the challenging nature of COVID-19. They give positive, actionable advice and portray an image of a future that is bright with hope.

Find more
on our
YouTube Channel

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

Contact S.T.O.P. for more information and become a partner school today.

320 N Avenue A Freeport, TX 77541


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